
.I Am Tinker

I had a Revelation in 2001.

The www was ‘the way’ for me to progress (the internet is now so full of shit that it is useless). I became a Notorious Troll. I was banned repeatedly for destroying belief structures that tried to deny my revelation. The Tao (who would not ban ‘anybody’) could not flow with the force of my arguments and closed the door (to public access). This all happened in public discussion groups, its not like that anymore.

My revelation is a simple fix for the ‘direction’ of Society. It is a lot more obvious now than it used to be; if we don’t change the ‘direction’ of the Society of Earth, WE are doomed. We must ‘Choose’ an ‘evolutionary leap’ to become spiritual beings. ” “NO!” We are not! ” We are animals with ‘awareness’ of the ‘spiritual’ (4th dimension).

‘direction’ is a Yin/Yang force contained by the Intelligence of Earth. ‘It is our God’. The ‘fear of the unknown’ (re. Joseph Campbell, ‘Masks of God’) prevents the understanding of this simple fact. The fix is so simple that the magnitude of EFFECT cannot be imagined by any ‘normal’ mentality.

UNITY, of the Human of Earth, will begin with a single point of common knowledge. WE can re’direct’ the power of God.

“The Feeling” is Common to all Human, ‘a Feeling of the power of God’ (goodness, Love, beauty, cosmic consciousness and the presence of God, Jesus!!! !”Same Feeling!”!) A symbol for that “Feeling”, made known to the World, would be that point to begin ‘Unity’. It has to start at ‘some point’.

A Symbol for the Feeling “WILL save the World !!!” (Us Human)

I’ve got 22 years of Life trying to progress with this, and thousands of dollars trying to develop and make a symbol. Crash&burn repeatedly, I’m the mechanic, can’t drive for shit. This is the end of Me, “I Quit!’

Deduct the possibility of a miracle, I am 100% positive, the Human of Earth is coming to its End. The miracle could be if “WE” ‘choose’ a Symbol, to empower God, our collective intelligence, to guide Us.

We All are FUCKED if this/a symbol is not established and put ‘in the face of the World’. A ‘symbol’, no dogma of culture or nation, ‘one true name of God’ to begin Unity.

Every world saving group or organization offers ‘band-aids’ for the chosen favorite evil. The root of ‘their’ evil is ‘direction’. With ‘direction’, Rule overrules Right; The dollar enslaves the Human; The connection to God is second place.

WE have to Choose to make it better.

Be Bop a lu la Baby, do the walk of Life

We are ONE, and WE decide what this Life on Earth shall or not, become. Spiritual or history?

We are all slaves to the dollar… ALL; YES YOU ARE! The favorite slaves, ‘the most greedy, self-righteous hoarders’, “billion + aires”!, are the Gods of this ” ‘direction’ ” of Society. We cannot overcome them from within Society. We have to create a point in our ‘Mind’, for Society (‘direction’), the collective intelligence of Earth, to stand for the Human. Every decision made with the current ‘direction’, defaults to ‘profit’. The Human is overruled. With the power of the ‘Feeling’ made ‘common knowledge’, WE can learn to “Do No Wrong” ‘to the Human’, for ‘profit’. Knowledge of our ‘common link’, “the Feeling”, will empower our God (Us We Human) to guide Us correctly. “OH NO!” Johnny Cash sang about “the people want the ‘Kingdom’ but they don’t want God in It” ( He’d mess with free will.)

‘Do No Wrong’, that’s the ‘One Rule’ for ‘Unity’. King Tink claimed rule of Earth with that, on Facebook and twitter(long time ago). Its real simple; under this Rule, if you consciously ‘do wrong’, You, ‘condemn’ yourself! Shithead!, Humans matter, profit Is Slavery! ‘Do no wrong’. What right does another have to take a part of the value earned by the effort of a fellow human?($s) ‘Slavery’ claims that right. The ‘superior’, in the line of ‘business’ (slavery) contributes no more effort of value (life force) than the poor man digging a ditch, and is paid 10,000 times more for the effort contributed; “BECAUSE he serves the ‘progress of Society!’ “; “to confirm Slavery of the common Human”. We can change that. ” ‘direction’ is ‘this way or that’ “. Choice is our only salvation. WE must CHOOSE to progress, to, being guided by God, to Unity.

A Symbol!!! , Common Knowledge!!! , The ‘Feeling’ of God!!! , at one point of Human Understanding???? If there is any kind of GOD/FORCE/POWER how could IT not respond?

My best idea for a ‘Symbol’ is; the major religious symbols around “the Feeling”, showing the universal connection.

Peace & love, Tinker


Oh God! Every search for information about existence/creation is polluted with Christian BULL SHIT! Christianity is the Greatest LIE ever told to the Human Society of Earth. Christianity has killed more people and done more genocide than all the Wars and despotic dictators combined. Jesus cannot escape the atrocity done in His name (can’t save himself, Jethro Tulle). Believers of the LIE, sheeple, empower their shepherds to Rule the World.

O.M.G!!! The internet began, and was intended to be a connection between Us, Humans. Bastardized, compromised and commercialized, No Connection for Human interaction, until you give them ‘information’ they can ‘sell’. Then it’s ‘good luck’ to find any truth in ‘liars heaven’. If you look for facts, there are none that are not contested or obscured by BS.

“WE do have a ‘collective intelligence’ which Knows the truth! Here and Now is the one and only Absolute! CHOICE of the Human ‘directs’ IT.”

WE must agree on the ‘name of God’ to choose the guidance of God. THE WAY to do that is with a Symbol.

All of the ‘save the World’ ideas and plans aim at Unity (many think minute details are the key, simple minds). Thousands of different views, ONE specific Point!!! How could that possibly fucking work? The only way is to begin at one specific point. A Symbol, no BS, none of mememine, common knowledge that we have a ‘common’ connection to God.

I’ve broke this shit down to the point of teaching an idiot to tie their shoe laces. What I am telling You, you might grasp for a minit, BUT ‘it is Unknown’. (The driving force of the human race is the ‘fear of the Unknown’. It makes you move toward the ‘dream of Utopia’.) That is the ‘direction’ of the dollar, fear being broke and dream of being rich. That ‘direction’ tells You, “Do Not Understand” you cannot Know. My friends and family have been on fire with understanding the significance of this simple action; then they go to sleep. THE UNDERSTANDING IS GONE; THEY WILL “NOT” EVEN TALK ABOUT IT. The ‘fear of the Unknown’ rules.

I KNOW there is Nothing to Fear, EXCEPT our ‘direction’. The ‘Unknown’ (Why?)is very simply, that, “we are here and now and we progress as we choose.”

YOUR special recognition of YOURSELF is the Feeling, ‘direction’ me me mine. Jesus forgives you you yours. The perfect hook for the ‘con-mans’ Lie. We have to deny the Lie.

LIFE is here and now and is going to Hell. The ‘dream of Utopia’ is ‘the Kingdom’, Jesus said was “at hand”. He Taught; that We had to come together with the ‘Love’ of God.

‘Love’ has been bastardized by the views of mememine. It was something else in Jesus’s time. The only way we can connect with the massive input of ‘media’ assaulting the Human, confusing Us, is with a ‘symbol’. A flash, a Ping, the ‘name of God’ in the minds of a majority of the Human can save Us from Hell.

After Life is Dead. If We escape Hell, We can continue Life, with Unity.

When I take time out of reveling in the miracle of Life, I think about Society, which is ‘directed’ to Hell. Fuck You God!, for making me the one to have this knowledge. Idiot/Savant, a genius of the mechanics, retarded by Society’s ‘direction’. HELP!!! Help! Help help help….. ……. ……. ……

be bop a lu la baby

I know my silly shit aint It, the symbol, but its pointing in the right direction.

The problem of Knowledge is “belief”. Unsubstantial faith in dogma presented as ‘the truth!’ No evidence, no substance of here and now, the power that be Tells the the sheeple. They believe. All religion is the Powerful subjugating their flock. YOU “KNOW” CHOICE MAKES A DIFFERENCE. And you say, “baaaaa there’s nothing We can do.” A symbol for God, WE Can Do!

SHEEPLE, You Are! 99.999% of the Human of Earth ARE! Many who ‘Are Not’ live in asylums; they are a duck-billed platypus amongst sheep. My totally blown wide open mind sees this detail of ‘existence’, clearly. I see the POWER of Choice. I see the collective intelligence, our god, waiting for US to Choose ‘spiritual’, or “‘NOT ( dead, Hell, oblivion or nothing, the end of Earth Human)’”.

I am what I am, an animal of Earth seeded by a higher Intelligence; Therefore the Human, above the animal. Awareness. A mind that can see the Life of Earth, which we are a part of. Collective Intelligence. God. Choice. A point for the ‘spirit’ of God to guide Us from, to Unity…

Occom’s Razor; If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, you can be pretty sure it is a duck. How many descriptive do you need to see that the Society of Earth is fucked? Anybody other than the media driven drone knows. Global warming, the super rich destroying our ecosystem for ‘profit’ hoarded for self-righteous glory, a system of government for sale to the high bidder and trillionaires who’s dictates are more powerful than the God you pray to. That’s one fucked duck.

What can WE do? Establish ‘a point’ for the beginning of Unity. The effort necessary to do that would be the beginning. Making our common link to God Known, agreed upon and understood over all dogma, not so simple. Plagiarist and marketers will steal, alter and sell; the religions ‘holy war’, and the politicians want control. I lied in the beginning; there is no simple solution.

I’m an auto mechanic trying to go to the moon. HEY!!!, rocket mechanic???

I imagine a ‘super hacker’ who could put the symbol (to be created) in the corner of ” ‘every’ ” web page of the internet.

There “is NOT” an all powerful ‘name of God’ !!! He is our pet, WE have to name hesheit, with a symbol, to train them for Unity.

Thank you very much for, participating in our sporting event. LIFE

I ‘envy’ everybody for being able to occupy their mind. my mind is unoccupiable.

That’s a joke, happy day.

I’m trying to explain the Unknown. Every thing and the only thing that can be said about the Unknown is a far out metaphor.

The alphabet soup of proud perverts has thousands of ‘excuses’ for their deviance. There is no excuse for ‘sodomy’. (pet peeve, second to Christianity)

I went to a meeting of the powers of the Universe, 50 years ago. Understanding was implanted in my mind, so that I would learn of ‘direction’. The knowledge is far beyond any rational semantic argument. What ‘you know’ contrary to my knowledge is tiny minded and fear based. You will not believe, ‘other than’. You flow with the ‘direction’ of Society.

WE have to establish Unity at the point of a three dimensional element, then WE will ‘progress’.

Hello, it’s me, anybody out there? thetinker@rocketmail.com

‘The Tinker’ was the name of my contracting business, est.1988, in Alexandria, VA . “The Tinker” meant ‘an experiment’. The logo was a little red heart with MIRACLES diagonally across it. Bottom Line Terrestrial Residents Foundation (BLTR.org, ‘stickting, non profit org’. #260) was established in Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles in 2001. It aint about me; it’s about US. ‘UNITY’, invoking the power of Our ‘collective’, God.

My seventh Dragon is rising. Right Now. Born with the Dragon, alive only because of that power, I present to You the ‘power’ of Choice.

Choose to Recognize and Understand ‘Our common link’, the Feeling. Establish Unity! ‘Can be No Dogma’, the Feeling is where all of that BS came ‘from’ and is defined by a ‘personal’ (mememine) point of view. A symbol is the only chance for a World wide connection (“chance”, maybe it’s not too late).

Be bop a lu la Baby

My third favorite pet peeve, Obesity! OH MY GOD!!! There is a Pandemic! Obesity is the norm, super obesity is common. When I grew up the people riding around on the electric carts (we pay for) in Walmart, could only be found in a carnival’s freak show. I know ‘direction’ is responsible. I cannot accept any excuse for the abuse of the ‘Life’.

My Life is strange. Today, I was out by my pump house (I have a well, separate from my living place) and discovered an egg, brown, a little dirty but otherwise perfect. There is absolutely no possibility it came from me. It could not have been thrown from my Idiot neighbor without damage. They do have chickens in a pen. Occom’s Razor – a chicken escaped the pen, came onto my property and laid the egg. My Life experience demands to Know WHY that chicken crossed the road and delivered this egg to me?! Be Bop

Why? Seek & find, answers. The same ‘far out’ way I came to know about ‘direction’. The egg represents ‘Life Force’. The neighbor is an ignorant hillbilly psychopath, he has been harassing me for 5 years. Recently I have become able to redirect the ‘Life force’ he assaults me ‘with’ to ‘ground’; to power me for progress. The chicken crossed the road to deliver a Life force package to me. Physical confirmation of the ‘redirected’ Life force assaulting me. I ate that egg while thinking of the neighbor’s heart… Yum! (the yum was salt, pepper and egg; the prep appropriate for a man of insignificant heart, was poorly done soft boiled)

Here & Now, is absolutely a product of our collective intelligence. The miracles Our intelligence have manifested, are accepted and allowed by the ‘collective’. Are we going to continue with the miracles of the ‘collective’ or let it break for the billionaires to take a piece to their holes in the mountains?

Ever since the Sumerian implant of free will in the Earth animal, We have been preforming magic and miracles! “Other than natural”. That established the ‘collective’. The ‘collective’ has been compromised by the greedy self-righteous hoarders of the ‘dollar’ (good intentions gone bad). The media that is sucked up by 99.9% of the world is owned by “the greedy self-righteous hoarders”. Sheeple. Your shepherd contains the flock, takes all of the dollar’s value leaving you naked to the elements; struggle to exist until you become meat. After Life fantasies pacify you.

HEY!!! UNITY. If We do not establish IT, this Human experiment will become a failed seed to the Intelligence that created a Universe. Please! Tell me of a way better than a symbol! We have to make the ‘collective’, ‘known’, to the physical animal.

Once upon a time, when revelation was blowing my mind, I developed different ‘points of view’, so that I could discuss all of this fantastic stuff in my mind. dFeral Luv, the Love of Life, crazy with celebrating Life; the outlaw big ‘O’, Dunwrng Fugdlau, is the Life force, the driver of the Godmobile. Dr Tinker makes sense of it all. The family of my ‘points of view’ has been proliferating over twenty years. There’s the rich little dope ho, Nikitina. There’s the downtrodden angry Nigger, Negator Bug. The Crazy Man, the Outlaw and Dr Tinker are still alive and well, getting better every day in every way. And then there’s God, the Feeling, who says Hey!, if I move to do Wrong. Yea, I Am a crazy motherfucker. There’s also Anxious Annie and Lucy. Big T and a bunch of cousins. We are HUMAN, Animals aware that there is more than Our physical being. We must Choose to evolve.

BELIVE, there is an all seeing all powerful old man in the sky who has a plan for you to be rewarded, after you endure a Life of servitude to your shepherd. Death is your reward. “BELIVE/RELIGION/LIES”. LIFE is Here and Now. We are beings with the possible choice of an evolutionary leap. From the third to the fourth dimension. The fourth dimension is the realm of magic and miracles. The fantasy of Heaven is a cheap imitation of that which the fourth dimension would be. Do Not Believe Me, open your mind and See.

I pray for all of Christianity to reap their reward. Islam, established to stand against Christianity can follow them to their heaven. Judaism, their self-righteous root (Abraham), should also Die. Buddha died just like all the other Hindu deities. The Yin/Yang symbol is the closest to being a representation of God. “That God” is the beginning of understanding Here and Now. Understanding ‘does not’ come with Dogma. Dogma at its very best, try’s to explain an understanding. That is rare. Religion is established to control the Sheep. The shepherds guide for their own self-righteous benefit (power and/or wealth)(and most preachers are just the boss ram of a flock). The Protest-ants claim to better understand the story written by the Pope. And impose more control with harsher interpretations. A history of atrocity, in the name of a man who taught of ‘peace on Earth’.

OOOHHH!!! ME HO MY OH!!! GOD??? WHY??? We choose to Live with the current ‘direction’. The Dollar is greater than the Human.

“Tips to adjust your sleep cycle for DST”, The Weather Channel. The weather channel is the only regular provider of worldly news that infects me, re. Society. “Adjust to some Stupid Shit!”. WTF!!! Sheeple? There is not any thing in this World that benefits from “daylight savings time”. It is a mental shock, to circadian rhythm, for conditioning conformity of the masses, sheeple. DO whatever the ‘power that be’, root dollar, Tells You to Do, no questions allowed. “Its for the Greater Good”! Greater = Power, Good = Hoarding Wealth. Baaaaaaa

“Covid 19 ‘brain fog’ may have lowered patient’s IQ”, the Weather Channel. Yeah!!!, the sheep believe the ‘pandemic lie’ and became more stupid, ‘directed’, to conform. DST was one of the first mind fuckings of Humans that Orson Wells ‘1984’ predicted, the power that Be began conditioning sheeple. The BILLIONAIRES+ have all the best psych oligist/iatrist to serve them. They indoctrinate slaves with the media, they own.

Do not sit and contemplate in vanity, escape while you can, go through insanity.

I’ve exhausted all of my ‘problems’ with Society. Its big pictures of the really fucked up stuff; I am aware. I live in hillbilly land, three miles from a paved road and the last half mile is an old logging road. My ‘society’ is the birds that visit the feeder, the squirrels who do squirrely shit, deer passing, possums and racoons make sure nothing goes to waste. Heaven, the dream of Utopia. Watching the World die.

Wanna-be a messiah. “To teach the World of ‘the way’ to become the spiritual beings able to enter “the Kingdom of God”.” (re. Jesus) “It is at hand”.

‘you’re alone you aint nothin but alone’, Bruce Springsteen. stsalrite I Am, potentially, a spiritual being.

‘Progress’ is the ‘Absolute’ of ‘here and now’. Denial and no action are ways of ‘progressing’. If the Human dies the Earth will progress to its own death. We must claim ‘progression of the Human’, to become spiritual beings. Then eternity will become known as well as here and now.

Unity will begin at a point of common knowledge. CHOICE! ‘Unity’, effort to establish that common knowledge, or, a failed seed of a higher power.

I’m blinded by my own brilliance. It comes from exercising to know God. Yin Yang is so simple, and to see how it progressed to here and now is “BRILLIANT” Shit.

Be bop a lu la Baby! I’m trying to get a physical connection to ‘other than’.

The Weather Channel, sheeple central, “Grownups we can totally fix this”, a cute little brown skinned girl (suit), with very sad eyes, presenting what I guess is a global warming disaster scene. I’m sure the follow up would be advice to recycle, reduce fossil fuel use and ‘live less’, to reduce your carbon footprint. Those self-righteous cocksuckers, the super-rich and their corporations produce more carbon footprint every day than all the ‘grownups’ do in a year. ‘Grown-ups’ are sheep, oblivious of the fact they are being driven to a slaughter house.

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ve been sitting looking out the window, Ozark hills. Where I live is known as Tower Hills. I’m on top of one. The trees are just starting buds, showing their auras. The wind is blowing like fucking crazy. They Dance!!!!!!!!!! The little piece of Earth I own is Heaven, I ‘ground’ here, connected to Earth. I am open for the power of Earth to flow through me. be bop a lu la baby

Chillin’ rain, I’m dry and warm, it is a miracle. The birds are resting in the brush piles I’ve made, I give what I can to balance my debt to Earth.

What is Christianity? A True and Clear path to the ‘kingdom of God’, ‘at hand’, taught by a man we call Jesus. Tortuous death for heresy. The people who killed him wrote the New Testament. His words are powerful and woven into the Christian LIE. And they rule the World. The Roman Empire never failed. Bow to Cae$ar.

The seed of enslaving Humans. One said, “I cannot repay your effort, another will. ‘This’ (money) represents your effort to be repaid.” “Another will” only give you 9 for your effort of 10. You need to eat now, you give them profit. Profit steals Human effort. They who profit deserve compensation for their effort, equal to the compensation of the common effort. Profit is STEALING!

‘Far Out’ – Referring to a mind that is open. Fear!, maintains a boundary, of what is Known. Belief pacifies that Fear. The mind is not open. “Do not sit and contemplate in vanity, escape while you can, go through insanity”. Go ‘that way’ in your mind, through all limiting concepts, beyond the infinite Universe. To where ‘nothing’ is contained in a bubble and is injected with a ping of intelligence to become a Universe. God works in that Universe factory.

A bubble of nothing becomes aware of itself with the ping, “0”, it reacts pong. Yin/Yang, in the beginning a Universe. Progress.

Ya wanna know one of the most amazing things my expanded awareness reveals? Now.

“I’ve come to the conclusion that its all an illusion”, The Cranberries. True! But the illusion is the only thing that is real.

The Fart Now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The simple explanation is ‘there fore art now’. (tryin to talk like a Bible) Everything processing in the Life of Earth, digests, good stuff-waste. The Fart, now is the essence of the process.

I am a walkin talkin miracle. The trauma my ‘Godmobile’ has endured could have killed half a dozen men. My daddy mashed my brain when I was an infant. Falling while rock climbing to land flat backed on a big rock. Motorcycle wrecks! 60 MPH, rear end of a car, I flew over 50 feet, somersaulting, rolled, had a hyperextended knee from being ejected from the bike. Through street, side intersection, the bitch (intentionally) pulled into the through street and stopped. I powered to the right, back to the left around her. My rear wheel caught the curb. Ejected, to roll out, the bike was also rolling out, I kept rolling. Same situation, through street and side intersection, idiot pulled out and stopped. To the left was head on traffic, to the right was an Evil Knievel jump. The window was down in the pick-up truck, I did a superman through it. The driver ended on top of a big fat passenger, I hung across the door. 115 MPH I shifted a V65 Magna. And I hit a little reflective lane marker. “High speed wobble”, blew up, launching me 10 feet in the air above the freeway, 100+ MPH, at least it was a freeway to land on. Right foot first, fractured that ankle, calf, thigh , hip, right forearm, shoulders rolling to left forearm, hip, thigh, calf, third degree road burn. 20% of my body. I came up running. One real good auto wreck, I was the common element in 7 cars. Totally demolished, 20 feet down in the roadside ditch they came to see a dead man. I started hollerin’ “get me the fuck out of here!” The ‘jaws of life’ pried me from the wreckage. Then there are a few times I was beat close to death, but never defeated.

I been watching a buzzard eat an armadillo. About fifty feet away. I thought it died (armadillo) in a brush pile about 20 feet from the house, so did two buzzards on two previous days. This day, with careful study (a wise old buzzard), and going to ground and walking around, it found it in front of the brush pile. The dead critter smell is gone, thank you Buzzard.

I love Me, so absolutely that it encompasses All that supports Life on Earth. We are worms or spiders contained in an egg sack, the white and yolk of an egg, Earth and Life. We (our collective) must emerge as One to progress to being able to access Universal intelligence. Unity, We must establish a point to begin.

Hermit – Strange guy that lives alone. Location; Ozark hillbilly land. Bible belt. – On arrival I denounced Christianity, publicly, then shamed the prosecuting attorney for trying to put bullshit onto me because I was a convicted felon. I had to get out of town. I went to Heaven. “Here and Now.” (progress)

The Bea$t of $ociety. Profit. Life effort valued and portion taken. Hoarded for control and manipulation.

I just got out of jail, 48 hours. My neighbor attacked me, when I was in the road between our property. ‘Butler county has my number’, statement of Deputy Phipps to my neighbor. That’s why I went to jail, nothin but a thin. The neighbor just crossed a line, which I document. I originally told him in our first discussion of physical violence, “talk all the shit you want, do not physically assault me it could be hazardous to your health”. He has tested my statement to the point of standing in my face so close that the bill of my cap was below his eyes and framing his mouth screaming about killing me. The last, previous, encounter, I drive down the road, he drives down my property line (opposite of correct US traffic flow)(he trespasses my line by at least three feet). I’m coming he’s going, opposite sides of a 50 foot road, He came across to meet me head on, to make me drive off the side of the road toward my property line. I parked and took a toke. He got out and swaggered for the bitch recording on her phone, “I just pulled to the right so you could get around”, his face a foot away from my open window. I popped the door and was coming out, the picture in my mind is the bug-eyed fright of old cartoons, and he took off like a jumped rabbit. He was running straight at his ol’ lady recording. He turned around and started screaming, “come on put your hands on me”. I parked and locked the truck, carried in my groceries, he called Butler County. They did a bit of harassment, due diligence for the number Tinker. – That was my mind set. – When he attacked me I totally expected him to come up in my face and start screaming. I let him get up close and personal, he didn’t scream he assaulted, I tied him up, studied a bit, to make an adjustment to the situation, released the headlock and he bolted. I told him then he ever attacks me again I will end the threat. If he dies because of my self defense, oh well. – Another day, contemplating the insanity. The most significant factor was that I had just taken my daily pain med, that prevented me from going on-guard when he approached. On-guard, he would have been stopped five feet before he got to me. When I let go the head lock I was prepared to defend a continued assault, he was prepared to escape my grasp, and ran. At a safe distance he stopped and turned to talk shit. That’s when I told him he was flirting with Death. This is premeditated ‘self defense’, Not premeditated homicide, murder. I think of murder and believe I would not be convicted with different scenarios. I do not want to murder the man. I Do want to continue living. And will defend my Life, No third chance! – As stated, this is a document, a statement of facts. I swear it to be true under the penalty of perjury.

All that shit got me thinking about intelligence. The end result of ‘all Our intelligence’ is here and now. Our intelligence is directed by media of profit hoarders. The Human intelligence is sidetracked to a cyber feed. Human effort, information, is channeled to feed $ociety. We are Fucked!!! I’m laughing, but its not a joke.

Wondering? My nemesis Butler County! ! ! , assisting the neighbor’s harassment!? I ‘do no wrong’ to another human being. This is the premise of my Life progress toward Unity of the Human of Earth. The reason for the harassment Is that I do not fear the Unknown. I know It. The great Unknown ‘death’, I have Lived through. The Unknown of Why?, is very simply to progress. We are a seed of the Universe with the potential of Our evolution to ‘higher power’.

I’ve told you about my different points of view (personalities, [OMG he’s schizophrenic]) This crazy MF just moved in. Got no name and nothing semantic. When I come to some conclusion concerning Society which goes into knowledge of Society that words will not express, this crazy mutherfucker expresses IT!!! (re. the antagonist bad boy leader, ‘Police Academy’)

I was raised on Christianity. My step daddy (the only father ever known) was a ‘good’ Christian. NO self-righteousness, be like Jesus taught. My grandpa was a Southern Baptist Evangelist. I knew Jesus. I would sing the line from a hymn, repeatedly, ‘oh how I want to be like Jesus’. The Lie of Christianity exposed did NOT touch that stuff. Jesus had a plan for Unity.